As a payments industry leader, North American Bancard knows how quickly new technologies can appear and change the way our merchants do business. A great example of this is the EMV chip technology that was introduced in the US in October of 2015.

Despite its introduction last year, many merchants are still unsure about how EMV will affect them and their business, or if there is even a need to replace their traditional payment processing equipment with brand new EMV-capable terminals.

To help you better understand EMV and the impact is can have on your business, North American Bancard hosted a webinar to explain all things EMV. The webinar is a straightforward look into the history of EMV and the purpose behind its integration.

North American Bancard’s Director of Underwriting and Compliance, Aliki Liadis-Hall, answers questions about:

  • Why your business needs to understand and have EMV technology in order to be protected.
  • Why your staff should be educated and trained on EMV terminals.
  • Why there is a need for the EMV liability shift and how EMV helps to protect customers from fraud.
  • What the liability shift is and how merchants, and not the banks, are being held liable for fraudulent transactions.

Hall also breaks down the technology in the new chipped cards to explain how data is more strongly secured against fraudsters that make and use stolen and copied cards with your customers’ information.

As technologies are introduced, the only way to benefit is to be educated about them. NAB is on your side to ensure that you are prepared and confident in running your businesses and protecting your data security.

To view the webinar, click here.

Contact NAB today and see how easy it is to get the merchant services you deserve.